Saturday, September 29, 2012

The Real Deal

Well, my first week of being on my own has come to an end. It was exciting, stressful, annoying, fun, eventful, and overall a good time. The kids arrived on Tuesday morning, they were 6th graders. After moving them in and having lunch we jumped right into things. I began by meeting the 11 students that I would be spending my mornings with for field group. I was warned that they were all rambunctious, which was true! They told me that during the week they wanted to find frogs and salamanders, hike, and eat stuff. So I fulfilled their wishes. We found numerous frogs and salamanders, and hiked most of the trails on property.

My classes all went pretty well this week, considering they were all new classes for me. My favorite classes were Eat the USA, Feed Your Face, and megastructures. I had great groups of kids for both classes. In megastructures we took newspapers and rolled them tightly to make rods, the rods were used to make tetrahedrons (triangle based pyramid), which we then taped together to make one giant structure. I was originally planning on making a giant pyramid, but the kids went in a different direction. In eat the USA we made a map of the United States out of rice krispie-treats. We used frosting to make state lines and chocolate chips to mark state capitals. In the end I let the kids eat a state of their choice if they could tell me one fact about the USA they learned during the class. In Feed your Face I had all girls that took the class. We had a mini spa day, and all the girls loved it. They were constantly rubbing their faces and saying "It feels so different and soft!"

Based on the reviews I received I think the kids had a good time. Here are pictures of my favorite pictures/letters students left for me:

In the picture you'll notice the random question answers in the top left corner. The questions were:
1. If your field group leader were not a natures classroom teacher what would they be?
2. out of all the Natures Classroom Staff who would you vote as president?
3. What were your favorite classes?
4. What superpower would your field group leader have?

This was a letter that a student wrote to me. If you cannot read it, it says:
" Dear Eskimo, I had a great time here and you the best field group teacher. I had a lot of fun. The pine needles really taste like christmas. Your Eskimo Jr. Josh Foster PS I like the berries"

Here are a few memorable quotes:
(Kid showing me a worm) "What happens if I lick this one?"
"We all have decided that we are the Eskimo Jr.'s"
"Can we just do Feed Your Face everyday?"

In other news:
My ukulele playing is getting better. I am currently working on being able to play B minor, B, and E chords. They are the hardest chords, but are also popular chords to use in songs.

I am teaching again this week. We are getting a group of 7th graders. Heres a sneak peek of the classes I will be teaching:

1. Eat the USA
2. Shark Dissection
3. Jelly-Belly-Ology
4. Megastructures
5. Inside out Kid- We make t-shirts that have the major organs drawn on them.

Also, thanks again for all the wonderful birthday wishes and gifts. Today I took a trip to LL Bean in Connecticut. I bought a 3-in-1 Jacket, gloves, and socks. The ukulele tuner is also working very well and making life easier.

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