Monday, September 24, 2012

Make Work Week

Well this past week surly has been interesting. This week we had more staff than we needed for the amount of children coming. Sadly, I drew the short straw and had to make work for the week. Make work is when you work for the maintenance staff. Here are a list of the jobs I had this week:

1. Staining picnic tables
2. Clearing Brush
3. Splitting and Stacking wood

It wasn't all that fun, but I did meet people from other sites, which was pretty cool. Here is a picture of the wood pile I stacked for 2 days:

Ukulele update:
My progress on the ukulele has been awesome. I have been practicing a lot. I know many of the basic chords and am getting better at playing faster. I have been playing quiet sing this week. Quiet sing is a program we do with the students at the end of the day. Its a chance for the kids to relax before bed. We sing different songs with them, their options are to sing or be quiet. Just to give you a sneak peek of entertainment to come here is a clip of me and my friend Retha playing "I'm Yours" by Jason Mraz. Hope you like it!

In other news, I had a wonderful birthday weekend. One of the best parts was being serenaded by a men's barbershop chorus from New Hampshire. Their group is staying on site for the weekend, so they put a little concert on for us last night. One of their songs was happy birthday... to me! My friend Retha made me a lovely birthday cake as well. Check it out :D

Finally, here is a preview of  my week to come:

Ill be teaching 5 new classes this week.
1. Eye Dissection
2. Megastructures- a class about shapes. In the end we build a structure using different shapes.
3. Feed Your Face- a class about the skin. Ill be making and testing out different facial mask and scrubs    with the students.
4. That's Astronomical!- a class about the moon. Ill be making play dough and creating our own moon surfaces.
5. Eat the USA- a class where we make the USA out of rice-krispie treats. We will play a trivia game, and for every correct answer the students can eat a piece of the USA

1 comment:

  1. Nice job on the uke!!! Sounds like a fun and busy week you'll have!
