Sunday, April 14, 2013

Surprise your Teaching!

As I said last week, I thought that I would be an extra helper for this past week. I was wrong! I received a phone call, at 10:30 Sunday night, from the person I worked for in the fall saying they needed me to teach there this week. The week was good but long. The teachers from the school wanted there to be programming from 7:45am-9:30pm. (Usually we end our nights at 9.) Thankfully I had a very good field group. I ended up teaching megastructures, jelly-belly-ology, cultural fair, pigeon dissection (GROSS!!), and egg drop. Egg Drop is a physics class where the children have to create a mechanism to keep an egg safe. Their mechanism is dropped from a 2 story building. All the classes were pretty cool, with the exception of pigeon dissection. I only taught that class because I was asked too. Also, megastructures was a mega-fail this week. Because I had signed up for classes the day the kids arrived, I didn't have time to go check the amount of newspapers the site had. I found out as I was teaching class that there were not enough. Thankfully we had enough to build a small structure, and the kids enjoyed it.

On Wednesday we had our underground railroad simulation with the kids. I was signed up to play the role of a grifter. Basically, when a group of kids came by I tried to get them to give me money. Well I was waiting for the last group to come and I heard an animal in the woods walking around. I figured it was nothing to worry about. A few seconds later I realize its a coyote... and its now growling at me. As I stood there frozen, thinking of an exit plan, the final group showed up. Thankfully they scared away the coyote. It was terrifying! I am not sure what I am doing that keep attracting wildlife!

This week, I am working with the girl scouts. I started on Saturday, and work through until Friday. We had a group here putting up tents this weekend. Starting on Tuesday we have April Vacation Camp. I'm going to be running activities on some days and being a counselor on others. It should be a lot of fun, plus I am going to be meeting some girls that will be at camp this summer.

Today after work, myself and some of the other staff went to Plymouth rock. Thankfully they warned me that it was going to be smaller that I thought. Tomorrow morning I am going to Plymouth Plantation and working on planning summer program :D

As always here are some pictures from the week:

1 comment:

  1. Maybe you should teach a class about coyotes since they seem to like you so much!! Love ya!!
